Xandarr's mighty page O'links

I will attempt here to catalog all of the viable links to Ad&d information that I can find on the web. Hopefully this will help to reduce your searching as well as help to give credit to those many webmasters who have slaved hard to make their site a good one. I will tell you what each site offers in order to help cut down your search.

Oliks Ad&d pages a fine collection of netbooks, articles and adventures. Has alot to offer for the overtasked DM.

The Complete Ad&d page looks like a new and uprising home page with beautiful graphics and a nice layout. Even has few tools designed to aid the DM as well as The author's various campaign ideas. A must see!!!

The Dm's Guild is a very informative site as well containig a great selection of netbooks adventures and stories as well as many viable links. I have spent a great deal of time there of recent(probably more than I should considering my own site is under construction) Worth a couple of looks.