.Construction of the perfect nemesis is one that is both ardous and rewarding.Before beginning first the respective DM muat first decide what he wishes to accomplish with this villain.For instance,consider Darth Vader.He was both a buffer of evil against the youthful good but yet he also retained some ounce of respect for order and discipline. He even retained a small portion of goodness in a otherwise black heart. But more importantly he contained and essential aspect of both resolution for Luke(in finding that Darth Vader was his father,in essence a part of Luke) and damnation for himself. In a way Darth Vader was the villain and the tragic Hero who fell by his own means.
. The villain need not be possessed of great strengths. The Villain can in fact be quite weak lurking behind minions that do his bidding or even better a facade that hides his or her true villainous nature.First write a list of traits that the villain embodies.Then decide if he or she is necessarily evil or simply opposed to the PC's goals.Next decide whether the villain is stationary or moving.Make a agenda for the villain a list of activites that the villain will do through the length of the campaign. Perhaps the minions will accomplish these things or if not then decide how and when these tasks can be accomlished and where the PC's might interfere. Then roll the stats to see exactly how a Villain with said stats will accomplish these goals. This will definitely aid you in shaping the overall villains scope of power. A Villain with a 10 charisma but a 16 Intelligence may well not employ minions as well as guile but consider and anti-paladin with a 17 charisma. Could not this charismatic leader make his people sway to his will through provocative leadership. Perhaps now you realize just how important a villain can be to your Campaign. The next Submission will be on new class Creation. Till next time the scrolls of wisdom yellow but never fade.