The Gods of Ioz
The Gods of Ioz are a select few. The below section detail their statistics as well as their place in the cosmos. This is not meant to be all inclusive simply it is meant as a basis for the God and Goddesses that are already established.
Neutral Powers
The one or All Father
Symbol: Cloud with an eye floating in the middle
Sphere of Influence: neutrality, creation, ancient wisdom
Rank: Greater power
Alignment: Neutral(TRUE)
Sex: unknown thought to be male
Armor worn by clerics: none
Shield used: none
Weapons used: see monk class
Turning: not available to clerics of this mythos
Major Spheres: creation, thought, divination
Minor Spheres: all, protection, numbers
forbidden spheres: healing, guardian, necromantic
The all father or the one has existed for as long as the universe has. When the universe first began so did the all Father. For many millenia it remained dormant. Many speculate during this dormancy it began thought. One day the all Father began to create a swirling mass that would later be known as Ioz. However the all Father was unsure exactly how to populate it's creation. Within the All Father sprung 2 confliciting forces that would later seperate into that of the Great Dragon and The Vile One. The All Father sporadically created life in the form of plants, oceans, and mountains, and land. Then it made Ioz spin so that everything had a time of light and darkness. (many philosphers point out that this act in and of itself is a true example of the dual nature of the ALl Father.)
After the creation the all Father remained dormant once again. However the conflict inside raged on and finally two seperate entities split forth from the all Father. The Great Dragon (the Aspect of all that is Lawful) and The Vile One (the Aspect of all that is Chaotic)Both of these entities will be discussed in greater detail later but they began to shape Ioz by creating life upon it.
When the All Father awoke chaos had taken an upper hand in Ioz. The All Father began to rectify this by aiding a group of adventurers in freeing the Great Dragon from imprisonment in the Astral Plane (unbeknownst to them). The peoples of Ioz began to recognize the All Father as a deity and some Sages began to scry The All Fathers past. Thus the All Father began to be worshipped by a select few (see monks) The monks. the Monks maintain the same mentality as their deity abstaining from interference until one side is threatining the balance of Ioz.
It is also believed that the All Father is responsible for the creation of Mystruss the Goddess of magic. As of yet the All Father 's goals are uncertain so man must sit and wait as the All Father has. He is thought to have created other worlds but most sages are unsure.
Symbol: A Tower with a spread book before it the moon rising in the distance
Sphere of Influence: Magic and Magic Practitioners the fated observers
Rank: Intermediate Power
Alignment: Neutral(TRUE)
Sex: Female
Armor Worn by Clerics: None
Shield used: None
Weapons used: Same restrictions as mages
Turning: Same as CLeric of level equal
Major Spheres: All, Summoning, Time, Combat, Healing, Necromantic
Minor Spheres: All Elemental, Guardian, Wards
Forbidden Spheres: None
Mystruss is a mystery to even her most fervent worshippers. It is believed that she was once mortal but nothing is known of her past. Just like the All Father she just began to exist one day and her prescence has been felt ever since. She is aloof and secretive goddess not engaging in contact with any other gods or goddesses. Neutral define the nature of magic as it requires much discipline to attain but has varied uses that can never be constrained to tight rules.
Her chief worshippers are Mages although there is also a small conclave known as the fated observers. They are Mage/Clerics of no small power that serve to only protect the interests of magical knowledge and research serving as a storehouse for varied magical tomes and items. they protect this knowledge with their life and live to serve the furthering of the magical arts.
The common people for the most part are only vaguely aware of Mystruss's existence. She is only popular with those of the magical arts, and a few select sages. Her role in the schemes of the Great Dragon and The Vile One is unkown as of yet. The Vile One has attempted to twist her worshippers more than once but finds them as unwielding as an ancient oak. One thing is for sure. It is said with every spell cast she grows in power.
Lawful Powers
The Great Dragon
Symbol: A Golden Dragon standing majestically
Sphere of Influence: Law and order, Paladins, Dragon Knights, Good, Nobility
Rank: Greater Power
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sex: Male
Armor worn by CLerics: Chain or Better
Shield used: yes
Weapons used: Hammer, mace or staff; Paladins any Dragon Knights any
Turning: +1 level of cleric
Major Spheres: All, Combat, Guardian, Protection, Necromantic, Healing, Law
Minor Spheres: plant, Elemental Earth, Elemental Air, Sun, summoning
Forbidden spheres: Chaos, Thought, Divination, charm, Astral
the Great Dragon is the noble patron of all that is goodly and lawful. he is the counterpart and rival of the Vile One always trying to stave the powerful forces of Chaos from taking hold of Ioz. At first the Great Dragon sought to subjugate and punish those races that would not submit to order and discipline. But through his own trials he has learned that man is not be commanded but instead guided steadily towards his goals. Like the role of wise teacher and loving Father the Great dragon encourages both his worshippers and the Deities of his creation to spread his message of hope and humility to all people.
However the Great Dragon was not always so humble. When first he embraced Ioz, He was shocked of how close to chaos the beings on Ioz were. Their actions were erratic and their respect for their creators was lacking. He was greatly angered with the Sithi whom were his creation. He had given them great magic but they abused it and in fact at one time thought themselves to be godlike as well. They created humans (actually the vile one had helped tremendously to misguide the sithi) and with that act The Great Dragon Punished them by taking their magic forever away ( although not all the sithi remained on the surface. Some now known as Darkkin left the surface for the underdark Where they remained loyal to the Great Dragon's wishes. the Darkkin still retain magic although they are cautious with it's use) Perhap's this is where the Great Dragon's chapter darkens for the Sithi that remained Turned away from the Great Dragon.
Meanwhile the Sithi's creations the Humans began to steadily rise in power. Being created by magic the humans found that they were quite adept at it's use. Plus they found that only if they beleived in the gods could they truly be affected by them. Playing on this the Vile One created 5 magical masks that he gave to the most powerful of humans. Then he sat back and watched as these 5 humans declared themselves to be gods. The Great Dragon began to realize that his power was draining slowly due to the fact that for some reason these humans prayers has power within them. The Great Dragon found that without worshippers he began to slowly weaken his power ebbing day by day. Meanwhile the Vile One while not being directly worshipped gained power by these False Human Gods being worshipped. Then the Great TReachery occured.
The 5 false gods used their increasing powers (with the vile one's aid) to lock the Great Dragon within a sphere. The Vile One could not Destroy the Great Dragon but he was able remove him. the Great Dragon Remained like this Until The All Father awoke and saw that Chaos was steadliy Gaining in power and threatining to take over Ioz. The All Father guided through dreams a group of adventurers that eventually fought and removed the 5 false gods as well as Freeing the Great Dragon from imprisonment. One of the Adventurer's named Ragnarok sacrificed himself in saving the Great Dragon. The Great Dragon kept his spirit and studied him for sometime. Later Ragnarok would become Rage ,the god of Wind, Storms and Righteous fury.
Today The Great Dragon is worshipped in most of the Large human cities as well as a few of the dwarven kingdoms. It is even suspected that he is worshipped by a few Sithi as well. he is much humbler than before and cares greatly for all people. Perhaps this will be his downfall or perhaps it will be his triumph. Only time will tell.
Symbol: An Hammer with two lightning bolts on each side
Sphere of Influence: God of Wind , Storms, and Righteous Fury
Rank: Intermediate Power
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sex: Male
Armor worn by clerics: None if Storm Knight or Chain or better if CLeric
Shield used: yes
Weapons used: Hammer any kind
Turning: none
Major Spheres: All, Weather, Combat, Guardian, Protection, Elemental air
Minor Spheres: Healing
Forbidden Spheres: Any not mentioned above
Rage is quickly growing in popularity as a god amongst the common people as well as the barbarians of northern Baaz. He was once mortal and thus he is still in touch with the people aiding prayers for rain on farmer's fields as well stiff winds to blow snow drifts clear. He partakes in a very active role in society in general and has a temple in almost every small town, village and even some of the Larger cities. He has even been known to choose an avatar the eve before a great battle as he still likes conflict being a warrior in his prior life.
His priests are well accepted and usually are a welcome sight on any battle field. It is even rumored that he has a few firbolg worshippers although he has a general hatred for the rest of Giant kind. He is the Enforcer of the great Dragon and whereever the Great Dragon's interest's are at stake Rage will be present also. He also is beleived to have a aasimon servant named Octavian as well although little is known about this.
If Rage has any flaws it is that he died young as a human (Level 15) and is still instinctive as a god. The Vile One has offered him to take the mantle of God of War to which he replied "I say thee Nay". Overall he is a popular god and looks to only being increasing in power.
Symbol: Harvest of wheat with two hands stretching forth
Sphere of Influence:Earth, Harvest, Forests, Life, Fertility, Druids
Rank: Intermediate Power
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Sex: Female
Armor worn by Clerics: up to leather
Shield used: If wooden
Weapons used: Staves, Hammers, Slings, Sickle
Turning: +2 level of cleric
Major Spheres: Elemental Earth, All, Healing, Guardian, Plant, Protection, Sun
Minor Spheres: Weather, Wards, Travelers
Forbidden Spheres: Necromantic, Chaos, Summoning
Gaia in mortal life was a powerful Druidess for whom the people had great Respect. She was brought to the attention of The Great Dragon because of her good works in trying to stave the war between the Sithi Clans Wolf and Bear. She sought only the protection of her nearby forest and yet she intervened for the protection of all in the area, including the citizens in nearby Mercy.
She is long known for her intense love of all things that live and breath. The Great Dragon came unto her in the guise of a woodsman and offered the gift of immortality to her. At first she was reluctant until he explained that she would help to preserve everything that she loved and more in this world.
Gaia is favored among many Druids for obvious reasons but her worship has sprung a new breed of priest as well. The Group calling themselves Obeyers of the sacred oak is a small conclave of Ranger/Cleric's that has sprung up all over Ioz.
Most of the temples to gaia are shared with Rage as they both are protectors and providers for the land. In some places philosphers and sages even speculate that they are married. Whether this is true or not is unknown for Gods and Goddesses do not speak of such things to their worshippers. She is a very open Goddess making varied appearances around the world sharing wisdom with all.
Chaotic Powers
The Vile One
Symbol: A swirling mass of color with a mouth in the center open with Fangs
Sphere of Influence: Chaos, Disorder, Conflict, Destruction, chaos Knights
Rank: Greater Power
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sex: thought to be male can change at whim however
Armor worn by Clerics: Any
Shields: yes
Weapons used: any
Turning: As level
Major Spheres: Chaos, All, Combat, Wards, Weather, Summoning, Time
Minor Spheres: Travelers, Thought, Elemental Fire, Elemental Water, Astral
Forbidden Spheres: Law, Healing, Creation, Animal
The Vile One will always be an enigma. He has for time untold wreaked havoc upon the peoples of Ioz and show s no signs of stopping this. He is in complete opposition of everything including himself at times. He is Responsible for the 5 False Gods the creation of humans(which he now regrets) and the Punishment of the Sithi as well as the imprisonment of the Great Dragon. He even defies the All Father saying that the All Father is to Passive and does not encourage needed change in stagnant waters.
He is Worshipped by many as a God of War, A facet he neither denies nor admits. currently he is trying to cause a war between the Sithi and humans but he is also encouraging a internal struggle between the Sithi as well. It is also thought that he is trying to gain control over death, a realm until now unclaimed in the war between the Great Dragon and himself. He is known to freely give gifts to devoted worshippers however most of the time these gifts become a curse unto themselves. Little is known of the Vile One for few can fathom chaos but the Insane.
Symbol: A rolling wave in the shape of a fist smashing a rock
Sphere of Influence: The Ocean , Murky Depths, Lakes and Rivers
Rank: Intermediate Power
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sex: Female
Armor Worn by Clerics: Special ( see Tempest Priest kit
Shield used: None
Weapons used: trident, Rapier, Net, Spear
turning: As Level of Cleric
Major Spheres: All, Necromantic, Elemental Water, Chaos
Minor Spheres, Creation, Divination, Charm
Forbidden Spheres: any elemental other than Water, healing, Law, Animal
Tempest was once known as the Great Pirate Queen in mortal life. Her Campaigns were well known to much of Ioz as she was violent and unmerciful to any that were her targets. She was killed by a mutiny and dumped in the same ocean that she had sailed for many years. As she sank beneath the waves her last thought was to have the Vile One curse her crew and ship. He did much more than that.
Appearing before her in the guise of a Squid he offered her a chance to rule the waves and waters for as long as she desired. Making her the goddess of water and all it's environs she soon became just as vengeful as in mortal life.
Tempest is widely feared all over Ioz but her material greed even as a goddess has not diminished. she has warred with Gaia several times over the Ocean islands and Coasts of much of Ioz. As of yet it has been a stalemate. She is also demanding of all who travel the ways of water. It is a well known fact to sail in a boat and not first offer tribute to Tempest is a surefire way to have your vessel sunk. She gains power from the many merchants and sailors who have set up shrines to stave her fury. Her priests are mostly sailors themselves (or pirates) they wear a interesting form of armor made from the skin of a great Squid. She is a vicious goddess and one to be feared.
Symbol: A Wall of Fire with a burnt hand reaching from it's depth
Sphere of Influence: Elemental Fire, Efreeti, The Devourers
Rank: Intermediate Power
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sex: male
Armor Worn by Cleric: Chainmail or better
Shield used: Yes
Weapons Used: Any piercing
Turning: none
Major Spheres: Elemental Fire, Sun, Chaos, Necromantic
Minor Spheres: Summoning or war
Forbidden Spheres: Law, Creation, Divination, Numbers
Pyros or the Devourer was the king of small kingdom named Renus. He gained infamy for his cruelty and insanity. He was known to Render a tax null one day and then randomly sentence to the stake peasants the next day for avoiding tasks. His servants seldom made to a year of servitude before some real or imagined threat to Pyros would call for their execution. His great act was far more sinister. On the day of his death Pyros handed the crown over to his son. Previously to thid event he had hired mercenaries to set fire to the outside city walls and farms at an appointed time burning all within. Any that tried to escape were cut down in their escape by the mercenaries. He died listening to the screams of his people.
However the Vile One was so impressed by his act that he robbed Pyros of his afterlife, instead offering him godhood which of course he accepted.
Pyros's Priests are just as insane as their god believing that the devourer consumes everything. They are often covered in burn scars which thay proudly show off as proof of their faith. Pyros has sworn that all of Ioz will one day be consumed by fiery oblivion. So hated are his priests that they are barred from many of the cities in Ioz. However for some reason their numbers continue to swell in size.